Page 12 - SevenHills Angus 2021 Catalogue eBook
P. 12

Angus Pure Index Description (API)

                                                                           Genetic Selection of bulls using only the API tool will
                 New Zealand Angus AngusPure Index - Predicted Response    on average over time develop a cow herd with the
                                                                           •  Improved weaning rate through increased fertility
             Expected Change in Individual Traits                          •  Progeny will be prime at heavy carcase weights
                                                                              and easier calving
                                                                           •  A slowly increasing cow weight/size, and milk

                                                                              where the improved marbling and subsequent
                                                                              eating quality traits can be expressed.

                                                                           These characteristics are ideal for an environment
                                                                           where the cow herd can be managed with extra feed
                                                                           if seasonal feed deficits occur.

                CEd  CEm  GL  BW  200W  400W  600W  MCW  Milk  SS  DC  Cwt  EMA  Rib  Rump  RBY  IMF  Checking individual EBVs relevant to your herd is

          Above the 0 line (X axis) selects for more positive numbers and below the line selects for more
        negative numbers. For some traits (e.g. growth), a positive response is desirable and for others (e.g.
                        days to calving), a negative response is desirable.

                                Indexes have changed

        Angus New Zealand in the last year has reviewed and      tween cows culled for various reasons. (e.g. cast for
        updated their BreedObject Indexes.                       age, reproductive failure, poor condition, etc)
        So, you can’t compare the indexes of bulls you have
        purchased in previous years with these new indexes. Not   Enhanced modelling of carcase market specifications
        only has the economic information been updated and    and values
        new software utilized, in addition the bases have been
        re-set.                                               •   This includes the ability to handle non-linear price
                                                                 structures like beef schedules that penalize both too
        The new software known as BreedObject Version 6          lean and too fat carcases, and/or those that penalise
        allows for:                                              under and overweight carcases.
        •   Improved modelling of young animals growth. This
           includes separate modelling for each sex rather than   AngusPure Index (API) – estimates the genetic differ-
           assuming there is a fixed difference between them  ences between animals in net profitability per cow joined
        •   Revised modeling for feed requirements for young   in an example self-replacing commercial Angus herd that
           animals and how this changes with body composi-    targets the production of grass finished steers for the
           tion/stages of growth.                             AngusPure programme. Steers are assumed marketed at
                                                              approximately 530kg live weight (290kg carcase weight
        Improved modeling of cow weight and condition         and 10mm fat depth) at approximately 20 months of age.
        score throughout the year. This includes:             Selected heifers are retained for breeding and the bal-
                                                              ance marketed at approximately 20 months weighing
        •   More advanced modelling of cow weight, and subse-  450kg (240kg carcase weight and 10mm fat depth). A
           quently feed requirements, at times of the year when   significant premium for cases quality was assumed and,
           feed is in short supply and/or expensive. Typically in   as some daughters are retained, maternal traits are also
           New Zealand, this is during the winter when grass   of importance.
           growth slows or stops and cow feed requirements
           are increasing due to cold and pregnancy           All selection indexes are reported as an EBV, in units
        •   Inclusion of cow conditions score and production   of net profit per cow matted ($) for a given production/
           penalties for cows outside of optimum condition.   market scenario. They reflect both the short term profit
           (e.g. too lean or two fat, affecting milking ability and/  generated by a sire through the sale of his progeny, and
           or fertility.                                      the longer term profit generated by his daughters in a
        •   Revised methodology for valuing cows when culled.   self-replacing cow herd (where applicable)
           This allows for variation in sale weight and value be-
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