Page 8 - Fossil Creek 2021 ebook
P. 8

1                                                                          SOCIETY ID:  18681019175
                  FOSSIL CREEK QUALITY  Q175
                                                                                     BORN:  15/09/19

              A & B SPOTLITE 3065 (IMP USA)                         MATAURI RESOLUTION F030
        SIRE: HEATHER DELL SPOTLITE M9                        DAM: FOSSIL CREEK JUNO M241 (ET)
              HEATHER DELL K49                                      FOSSIL CREEK JUNO 45-08

             2021 TRANSTASMAN ANGUS CATTLE EVALUATION EBV’S   DAMS PERFORMANCE                 3 from 3
             CALVING EASE           GROWTH & MATERNAL          FERTILITY   CWT                CARCASE
         Dir.  Dtrs.  GL  BW   200WT 400WT 600WT  MAT   MILK  SS     DC    650D   EMA    Rib   Rump    RBY    IMF
         +3.2  +3.5  -3.1  +4.1  +45  +83   +108  +97   +17   +3.1   -3.9  +56    +6.5   +0.1   -0.5   +1.3  +0.4
         46%  34%   58%   72%   66%   67%   65%   61%  52%    70%    33%   56%    56%    57%    58%    54%    52%
                $255               ««««                 «««                ««««                  «««««
                                                              COMMENTS: Powerful Spotlite son with really even set
       PURCHASER: ...................................................................................   of data. Grandam was in our ET programme. Really grunty
                                                              solid meat machine just like his sire.
                 $: .........................................

                          GOLD SHADING                                       DAMS PERFORMANCE
           EBV tables in this catalogue represent the top 20% for each   Recorded as number of calves born and number of eligible
          trait except where Mature cow weight is shaded it indicates   years. Please note that Fossil Creek Angus exports many
          that it is less than 600 Day weight which is deemed desirable   embryos so DONOR cows may be deliberately kept open for a
                             and efficient.                                     season. This is noted.

                                                  (FOR 2019 BORN CALVES)

           CALVING EASE           GROWTH & MATERNAL            FERTILITY   CWT                CARCASE
        Dir.  Dtrs.  GL  BW  200WT  400WT  600WT  MAT WT  MILK  SS   DC    650D   EMA    Rib   Rump   RBY    IMF
        +1.8 +2.1 -4.4 +4.2  +46   +84   +110    +95    +16   +1.9   -4.2   +61   +5.4   +0.1  -0.2   +0.4   +1.8

                                          FOSSIL CREEK ANGUS

                             AT THE FOREFRONT OF BIOSECURITY

           Fossil Creek Angus has a strict closed herd policy. Since 2015, we have had a practice of not leasing out yearling or any bulls as
           we believe the practice of bringing bulls back into the herd after being used in matings around the country poses a huge risk to
           on-farm biosecurity, for a myriad of reasons.

           The only cattle that are brought onto our farms are stud bulls purchased at auction from guaranteed BVD-free herds. These
           bulls are quarantined upon arrival.

           All Fossil Creek stock hold a C10 status and are tested for TB annually, along with full BVD vaccinations as yearlings.
           In 2020, Fossil Creek Angus took up the opportunity to be involved in a voluntary ‘whole herd’ testing regime as part of the
           National Beef Survey Mycoplasma Bovis programme and we were pleased to officially guarantee that our herd was M.Bovis free.

            As a stud we believe it is essential to guarantee to our clients that our closed herd system is water-tight.

         8    Fossil Creek Bull Sale 2021
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